In Excelsis Concert Series
Upcoming Events
Compline | Wednesday, March 19 at 9:15pm in the Nave
Choir of King’s College, Cambridge | Friday, April 4 at 7:00pm
“I would happily sit in King’s College Chapel listening to this choir sing for the rest of my days.” –The London Times
“… though the focused, shimmering sound of the choir's collected voices — which includes older boys singing alto, tenor and bass parts — was splendid, the treble voices were especially wondrous.” –The New York Times
"At intermission, the audience replayed the performance like a halftime highlight reel." –The New Criterion
In the capstone event of our season, St. George’s is thrilled to present the internationally celebrated Choir of King’s College, Cambridge. Founded in the fifteenth century, the Choir of King’s College is undoubtedly one of the world’s best known choral groups. For almost 100 years, millions of people worldwide have tuned in to their annual Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols, streamed live by the BBC. Known for its high standard and genre-defining history, a performance of the Choir of King’s College under the direction of Daniel Hyde is an event not to be missed. This program will delight and inspire. Stay after the concert for a lively reception.
St. George's Choirs
St. George's Choir is our adult ensemble that leads traditional Sunday services in the Nave, as well as choral evensongs, special services, and concerts throughout the year. The choir is comprised of both professional singers and dedicated volunteers who work tirelessly to bring high-quality music and leadership to the worship experience at St. George’s.
The Choristers of St. George's (grades 3-12) use the curriculum from the Royal School of Church Music and learn music in a friendly community environment. Choristers sing regularly during Sunday morning services, choral evensong, and special concerts with our adult choir. They also participate with the adults in choral residencies. Click here for Chorister Registration for 2024-25.
St. Dunstan's Choir (grades 1-2) is for our youngest singers, and it gives children an education in singing technique, basic music theory, and the role that music has in the larger context of worship. St. Dunstan’s prepares students to sing with the Choristers of St. George’s when they reach 3rd grade. Click here for St. Dunstan's Choir Registration for 2024-25.
For more information about any of our choirs, please contact Dr. Woosug Kang at 615-385-2150 x 254 or
Music at The Table
While traditional worship shows God’s transcendence and majesty, our modern service called The Table demonstrates God as our friend and shepherd. Music at The Table is led by Becca Jordan and other musicians, who lead the congregation in singing both traditional hymns as well modern songs. This service, which is filled with elements of our Anglican tradition, offers a special way for those new to the faith to experience worship at St. George's.
Commitment to Tradition
Educating a New Generation of Church Musicians
New St. George's Mass Setting | Composed especially for the parishioners of St. George’s by Woosug Kang, St. George's Mass celebrates the 75th anniversary of our parish. You can listen to and learn this new service music on YouTube.
2024-25 AGO Organ Scholar | St. George's and the American Guild of Organists (AGO) are pleased to announce the 2024-25 Pogorzelski-Yankee Organ Scholar, Kateri Andress. Read the press release here.
Choral Scholar | The Choral Scholar is a young singer from an area university who is awarded a scholarship and becomes a vital part of our choir, studying the Anglican music tradition alongside staff and volunteer singers for the school year.
Royal School of Church Music (RSCM) | The Choristers of St. George's are deeply engaged with the RSCM curriculm, which provides an advanced course of study of music and liturgy. At the end of each school year, the choristers test their knowledge and skills, receiving awards to celebrate their advancement.
Canterbury Residency
July 2023
The following testomial is excerpted from The Shield published in December 2023.
The Choir & Choristers of St. George’s were invited to serve as Choir-in-Residence at Canterbury Cathedral, seat of the Archbishop of Canterbury and the worldwide Anglican church. In addition to the work of leading daily evensong and Sunday services, we participated in special excursions which included Dover Castle, Leeds Castle, Windsor Castle, and the Historic Dockyard Chatham.
Being able to wake up to the cathedral outside our window, hear the bells practiced in the afternoon, and returning to the hushed grounds every night felt sacred in and of itself. We feel blessed to have made a spiritual pilgrimage together to Canterbury Cathedral—much as others did while we were there and countless others did before us.
— Claudia & Don Padfield
Featured Articles
Kateri Andress Named 2024-25 Pogorzelski-Yankee Organ Scholar with the American Guild of Organists (March 2024) | Press Release
Cover Feature on Buzard Opus 48 (December 2023) | The American Organist
Finding a Voice (August 2023) | The Living Church
Abraham Wallace Awarded 2023-24 Association of Anglican Musicians Organ Internship (April 2023) | Press Release
Going Forward with Choristers (September 2021) | The Journal of the Association of Anglican Musicians.