Weather Updates
The church office is closed on Friday, January 10. We look forward to worshipping with you on Sunday! Follow this link for the latest updates to Sunday offerings on January 12.
The church office is closed on Friday, January 10. We look forward to worshipping with you on Sunday! Follow this link for the latest updates to Sunday offerings on January 12.
Join us as we go deep into the structure, theology, and practical significance of Luke’s gospel. Luke’s portrayal of Jesus is remarkable in that it reveals the parabolic teachings of Jesus and his unyielding attention to the sick, the poor, and the brokenhearted. We discover the rich compassion Jesus has on our human condition of fragility and brokenness.
Step into one of Christianity’s largest faith traditions and receive a new story—a rich inheritance of theology, worship, song, and liturgical practice. We encourage you to sign up for the class, even if you are still considering whether to be confirmed.
We'll be volunteering at Community Resource Center for our next service project on Thursday, January 7 at 10:00am. If you can join us, contact Karen Lackey at or 615-260-8063.
Join us for a relaxed and restful time together in the presence of God. We will begin with a short time of singing, Scripture reading, and reflection, followed by an extended time to receive prayer from prayer ministers or to remain in quiet contemplation. We’ll gather the first Wednesday of every month from 7:00 to 8:00pm in the Chapel. Note that in January, we will gather on January 8.
Hosted by the Senior Ministry every second Thursday, Coffee & Conversation is a gathering of folks to visit and get to know others - no agenda, no program, no reservations.
Volunteers are invited to prepare food Saturday morning and to set up worship and serve the meal on Sunday afternoon at Church of the Holy Trinity downtown. St. George’s supports this ministry the second Sunday of every month. Learn more and sign up online.
Traveling to Our Little Roses in Honduras is is a great way for families to spend time together while serving side-by-side. Attend this informal gathering at 11:00am in the Library to learn more about this special mission relationship.
Please join us at 5:00pm in the Nave for a contemplative service of choral music and chant led by St. George's Choir. Stay after the service for a reception with members of the music ministry.