Adult Sunday School
Adult Confirmation & Anglican Christianity
Led by the Rev. Dr. David Barr
Sundays, January 5–April 27 at 10:05am in Hampton Hall
When you become a confirmed Episcopalian, you step into one of Christianity’s largest global traditions. To be confirmed is not only a way to visibly affirm one’s place within the people of God across the globe and time, it is also a way of receiving a whole new story—a rich inheritance of theology, worship, song, and liturgical practice. In short, it is a way of being Christian that has endured for many centuries and has given hope and endurance to millions. Everyone is welcome to this deeply meaningful class, whether you’re looking for a refresher on the Anglican faith or considering confirmation.
Exploring Jesus
Led by the Rev. Joe Ananias & Friends
Sundays, February 2–April 27 in Johnson Hall
In this class, Joe Ananias will team up with clergy, scholars, and other guests to explore the history, identity, and ongoing ministry of Jesus of Nazareth, the central figure of our faith. We will engage Scripture, church history, theology, art, and music to address pressing questions about Jesus and the claim he makes upon us today. Our topics of inquiry will include understanding Jesus in his first-century Jewish context, the unique contributions of the four gospels, Jesus’ divinity and humanity, his teaching, the meaning of the crucifixion and resurrection, images of Jesus, and Jesus’ present and future life. As we explore each topic, our aim will be not simply to learn more about Jesus, but to know and love him more deeply and to worship him more faithfully.
The Hope of the Christian Faith
Led by the Rev. Jason Terhune
Sundays, February 2–April 27 in Room 222
What does it mean that Christians will live in a new heaven and a new earth? In the Bible, God describes a future that provides us with hope for our life in Christ and a future in the presence of God. Throughout our lives we face challenges and heartbreaking circumstances, but we are given the opportunity to live with hope as sons and daughters of the King. Join us as we explore N. T. Wright’s study series Surprised by Hope: Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection, and the Mission of the Church.
Parenting Series
Led by the Rev. Sarah Puryear
Sundays, January 5–April 27 at 10:05am in Dandridge Hall (upstairs)
Our Parenting Series explores topics throughout the year which are helpful for parents with children of all ages—from toddlers to teens. Previous topics have included Worrying Less and Trusting More, Habits of the Household, and The Birds & Bees Course.
Seniors & Grandparents Forum
Led by the Rev. Richard Kew
Sundays, January 5–April 27 at 10:05am in Room 218
One of the big challenges of being a senior today is the generation gaps growing wider and wider. All seniors and grandparents are invited to discover how to understand and thrive in this cultural climate. Join us as we seek to identify and address issues our culture raises, and issues we find ourselves seeking to relate to, pray for, and play our part in as we help raise the next generations.
Applying Scripture to Everyday Life
Led by the Ven. Dr. Martin Odidi
Sundays, January 5–April 27 at 10:05am in Room 202
The Scriptures are meant to guide the everyday life of Christians, but what are some of the technicalities in applying scriptures to everyday life? How might we avoid legalism in trying to apply Scriptures to everyday life? How do we strike a balance between scriptural way of living and cultural ways of living? These and more are some of the topics we will be discussing.
Ethics, Theology & Conversation
Sundays, January 5–April 27 at 10:05am in the Conference Room (upstairs)
Facilitated by church members, this weekly offering is a roundtable discussion of topics presented by members of the group.