Life Events
We share life together as a community.
In addition to the important events marked by the church, St. George's families participate in the life of St. George's through membership. Those interested in learning more about belonging at St. George's are invited to attend St. George's 101, an evening with dinner, shared Eucharist, and teaching from our clergy. During this evening we'll share how the church will support you and how you can become a part of our community.
To learn more about St. George's 101, please contact Martha Rodes, Director of Lay Ministry Engagement | 615-385-2150 x 249 or
"Holy Baptism is full initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into Christ's Body the Church. The bond which God establishes in baptism is indissoluble" (The Book of Common Prayer, p. 298).
St. George's celebrates baptism of adults and children on particular days of the liturgical year. There are a limited number of slots at each service. To reserve a baptism day/time, please fill out the Baptism Request Form. Dates are added to the form throughout the year.
For the baptism of children, we ask that at least one parent should be a baptized, practicing Christian and a member of St. George’s Church. An active life in God's church is essential to Christian faith and discipleship for both the newly baptized and his or her family.
Questions? Contact Claudia Taylor, Executive Assistant to the Rector | 615-385-2150 x 218 or
Children's Communion Class
Each spring, we offer a Sunday School class for 3rd graders about the sacrament of Holy Communion. Our class teaches kids about the sacrament of Communion, the Eucharistic liturgy, and invites them to remember and thank Jesus for his sacrifice for us. At the end of the class, we hold a Saturday morning retreat and rehearsal at the church. The following Sunday, the children play a special role in the 8:45am service in the Nave, where they receive Communion together as a group. We welcome both children who are preparing to receive Communion for the first time and those who already receive Communion.
Questions? Contact Sarah Puryear, Associate Priest for Children's Ministries | 615-385-2150 x 222 or
Adult and youth candidates for confirmation complete a course that empowers them to take ownership of their faith, affirm their baptismal promises, and make a public commitment to Christ. Each year in May, the Bishop makes his annual visitation to St. George's and confirms all of our adult and youth confirmands during Sunday services.
Our youth traditionally prepare for confirmation in the 8th grade, but we welcome older students who have not yet been confirmed. At least one parent needs to be a member of St. George's prior to registering their youth for confirmation.
Questions about adult confirmation? Contact Martha Rodes, Director of Lay Ministry Engagement | 615-385-2150 x 249 or
Questions about youth confirmation? Contact Daniel Huff, Director of Youth Ministries | 615-385-2150 x 222 or
In the Diocese of Tennessee, the Sacrament of Marriage (Holy Matrimony) is a solemn public covenant in the presence of God. In order to give the church and the couple time to grow in relationship together, we require that the bride and groom become active members of the parish by making a formal commitment of membership and participating regularly in worship and financial giving for at least six months. Learn more about weddings at St. George's
Questions? Contact Claudia Taylor, Executive Assistant to the Rector | 615-385-2150 x 218 or
Rite of Reconciliation
The Sacrament of Confession can be scheduled at any time with a priest and is strictly a voluntary request on the part of a penitent.
Questions? Contact any of our clergy at 615-385-2150.
A member of the clergy should be contacted as soon as possible after a death of a church member has occurred. Although burial is not a Sacrament in the Episcopal Church, we offer a holy time to pay respects to the deceased. Follow this link for the Funeral Guidelines for services at St. George's.
Questions? Contact Claudia Taylor, Executive Assistant | 615-385-2150 x 218 or
Funerals currently scheduled at St. George’s can be found online here.
The Columbarium of St. George's Episcopal Church is a consecrated burial ground, set apart for the interment of the ashes of members of the parish and their families. The Columbarium is located in a courtyard adjacent to the Jane Tompkins Weeks Chapel. Plots may be purchased at any time.
Contact Peggy Fitzgerald, Columbarium Custodian | 615-504-5529