Pastoral Care
Prayer & Healing
God delights to bring healing into all parts of our lives – physical, emotional, relational, and spiritual. Week after week as we pray together, God comes with healing, freedom, joy, and peace. Week after week, God is healing people we love here at St. George’s.
NEW! Prayer and Presence: A Service of Healing and Restoration
First Wednesdays, 7:00-8:00pm in the Chapel
Please note that our next gathering will be Wednesday, March 12.
Join us for a relaxed and restful time together in the presence of God. We will begin with a short time of singing, Scripture reading, and reflection, followed by an extended time to receive prayer from prayer ministers or to remain in quiet.
Sunday Prayers
Those who attend services at 8:45, 9:00, and 11:00am on Sunday morning are invited for personal prayers after receiving communion. Each Sunday, prayer ministers will be waiting to pray with you - look for instructions in your worship bulletin.
Questions? Contact Brad Thomason, Coordinator | 615-604-3109 or
Wednesday Healing Service
If you desire prayers for yourself or others, we invite you to our Healing Service every Wednesday at 10:00am in the Chapel. In addition to readings and Eucharist, a priest and a lay person will be present to pray with you for any need including physical, mental, or emotional healing.
Prayers & Healing Fellowship
Thursdays, 5:30 - 6:30pm in the Chapel
Led by Martin Odidi, we share a time of spirit-filled worship through praise and music, uplifting teaching, and prayers—including prayers for healing.
Care Support Groups
The Caregiver Group is made up of caregivers caring for family members and friends who are suffering from any life-threatening medical condition. We gather to listen to one another, offer understanding, empathy, compassion, hope, and encouragement. Caregivers meet in 1st & 3rd Wednesdays through May from 1:30 to 3:00pm in Room 223 and are led by Anne Davis and Mary Stinson.
Questions? Contact Robin Puryear, Director of Pastoral Care at
Pastoral Care
Personal Visits
We love to care for our parishioners at home, in the hospital, or in a rehab facility. Clergy and volunteers visit church members in need of prayer, anointing, Eucharist, or just a personal visit.
St. George’s clergy are available to speak with you personally to provide pastoral support and encouragement. Please contact any of our clergy directly to schedule an appointment. Our clergy are also able to recommend professional counselors as needed.
Caring Ministries
We want to know you and care for you through these important ministries. Each ministry below exists to provide support for our church family in times of need. And each ministry exists thanks to abundant volunteer support from church members. The groups below would be delighted to have new volunteers in their midst, and they would be equally delighted to be able to serve you through their area of ministry.
Community Building
Archive & Memories Committee
A group to help record and share the church's stories. We gather on the first Wednesday of every month from 12:30 - 2:00pm in Room 202.
Caring Connections
We care for and connect with those in our parish family who are unable to be with us for worship and other weekly activities. Connecting could be as simple as a visit, a phone call, or a card each month. Contact church member Karen Lackey to learn more (615-352-6263 or
Flower Ministry
Volunteers deliver special flowers to stay-at-home parishioners during the Christmas and Easter seasons. Contact Robin Puryear, Director of Pastoral Care, to learn more (615-385-2150 x 247 or
Chefs on Call
This group prepares a choice of casseroles that are frozen for the urgent or chronic needs of our church family and friends. A casserole may be picked up at any time in the church kitchen. Contact church member Sally Miller to learn more (
Littlest Angels
Volunteers deliver a meal for church members with new babies soon after the birth of a child. Contact church members Stephanie Gillmor ( or Catherine Grace ( to learn more.
Phoebe’s Meals
Based on Romans 16:1-2, this ministry arranges up to 6 meals for parishioners who, for whatever reason, would be blessed by a hot meal delivered to their home. Contact church member Kate Meriwether to learn more (
Parish Support
Medical Lending Closet
Our medical lending closet provides a loan of medical equipment on a short-term, no cost basis to any parishioner in need. Find a list of available equipment and make your request using this online form.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
This group of experienced and novice knitters and crocheters meet the first Saturday of each month from 10:00am to 1:00pm in the Library. Prayer shawls are given to those who would benefit from a spiritual "hug." Prayers are said as the shawls are being made then blessed by a priest when finished. Beginners are welcome! Contact Mary Jackson, Coordinator | 615-330-4153 or