Worship Services
At St. George’s we worship in a variety of ways because our God is both King and Shepherd.
Traditional worship in the Nave and Chapel shows God’s transcendence and majesty, and our modern service called The Table demonstrates God as our friend and shepherd. We invite you to join us for worship in whichever time and setting allows you to know God more deeply.
Sunday Schedule
7:30am | A spoken Communion service in the Church (Rite I) in the Nave.
8:45am* | A Communion service with choir and hymns in the Nave (Rite II). Nursery, Childcare, and Kids Chapel are offered during this service.
9:00am | A modern Communion service with music led by a music team in Legacy Hall. Nursery, Childcare, and Kids Chapel are offered during this service.
10:05am | Sunday School with offerings for children, youth, and adults.
11:00am | A Communion service with choir and hymns in the Nave (Rite I). Nursery and Childcare are available.
5:00pm | A spoken service of Evening Prayer and Communion in the Chapel.
We invite you to visit the personal prayer stations at the 8:45 and 11:00am services. Learn more here.
Nursery & Childcare are available for our youngest children during the 8:45 and 11:00am services. Learn more here.
Holy Week
Maundy Thursday, April 17
7:30pm Holy Eucharist in the Nave* (Nursery & Childcare available)
9:00pm Prayer Vigil begins in the Chapel
Good Friday, April 18
7:00am Traditional Service in the Chapel
12:00pm Traditional Service in the Nave* (Nursery & Childcare available)
3:00pm Children’s Service in Hampton Hall
6:00pm Traditional Service in the Nave (Nursery & Childcare available)
Easter Vigil, April 19
7:30pm The Great Vigil of Easter in the Nave* (Nursery & Childcare available)
Easter Sunday, April 20
7:00am Rite I in the Nave
8:45am Rite II in the Nave* (Nursery & Childcare available)
9:00am The Table in Legacy Hall
11:00am Rite I in the Nave
11:00am The Table in Legacy Hall
5:00pm Evening Prayer with Eucharist in the Chapel
Weekday Services
Prayers & Presence: A Service of Healing & Restoration
First Wednesdays at 7:00pm in the Chapel
Join us for a relaxed and restful times together led by the Rev. Margery Kennelly and the Rev. Joe Ananias in the presence of God. We will begin with a short time of singing, Scripture, and reflection, followed by an extended time to receive prayer from prayer ministers or to remain in quiet.
Daily Worship
7:00am Monday - Saturday in the Chapel
Wednesday Healing Prayer
10:00am in the Chapel
There are no services scheduled at this time.
Stemming from monastic practice, Compline is the last service of the day before bedtime. From the same root as the word “complete,” Compline in the strict sense marks the beginning of a time of silence—from the end of the service lasting until the morning. This brief and beautiful service is set in a darkened church and sung by a small men’s choir. Remain as long as you wish after the service in this quiet space, departing in silence.
Upcoming Services
Sunday, May 18 at 5:00pm
Choral Evensong has been sung daily in the Anglican Church since the 16th century throughout the world. At Evensong, choral music and chant illuminates biblical texts to allow a time of stillness, meditation, and prayer.