"Prayer is a mystery; an inexplicable fact. It was John Wesley/St. Augustine who said "without God, man cannot, and without man, God cannot." Wesley also says that it appears as if God cannot intervene in human history without prayers from humans. Prayer has effects and bears marks on the one who prays. The effects of prayer are positive changes in the atmosphere, environment and human lives within the vicinity of prayer. The marks of prayer are positive changes in the character of the one who prays. They develop peace, patience, self control, love, joy, endurance and faithfulness. A simple form of prayer is 'The Lord's Prayer' - "Our Father." A simple format of prayer is the acrostic ACTS - A = Adoration of God (worship); C = Confession to God for our sins to be forgiven; T = Thanksgiving to God for his blessings; S = Supplication to God for our needs to be met."
Sermon from The Table on 07/28/19