Feasts of the Lord
Dana Sherrard is an active member of St. George's Church and a gifted teacher. If you have questions about Dana's class or would like to be added to her email distribution list, please contact Ashley Sullivan at ashley.sullivan@stgeorgesnashville.org or 615-385-2150 x 209.
In the Scriptures, God set aside fixed times or appointments for his people, the Israelites, to come together and feast, celebrate and be with him in a special sense. These feasts are outlined in Leviticus 23. When you take the time to study these feasts in detail, you see astounding things unfold before your very eyes. All have extraordinary prophetic significance. In fact, the first four have already had their fulfillment in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus and then in the giving of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. You will be astounded at the precision and detail with which these feasts are described and celebrated and then how exactly they had their fulfillment. And because the first four feasts had their fulfillment precisely as described, we can be confident the last three which are yet to be fulfilled will too. This is exciting news for us indeed, because through them we can see God’s plan for the future.
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