Get Involved
There are many ways to support outreach ministries each month.
Lenten Donation Drive | Through Palm Sunday, April 13. Supporting the work of Youth Encouragement Services and Fannie Battle Day Home for Children. Learn more.
Church in the Yard | March 8-9. A monthly event serving meals and worshipping with Nashville neighbors in need. Learn more.
Room in the Inn | Tuesdays, March 11 & 25. Serving up food, shelter, and hospitality to our unhoused Nashville neighbors. Learn more.
Mission Day | Saturday, April 5. Come together with your church to volunteer around our community. Learn more.
Our Little Roses Mission Trip | Registration is open for volunteers with this summer's annual mission trip serving the children at Our Little Roses in Honduras. Learn more.
Looking for other ways to serve? Volunteer with any of our outreach partners at the link below!
Photo: Volunteers serving at Our Little Roses, Honduras. (February 2025).
Mission Day
Next Mission Day: Saturday, April 5
Over and over in the Bible we are called, commanded, and encouraged to serve one another, to consider the interests of others even above our own, and to imitate Jesus, whose life on earth was filled with acts of compassion. Jesus commanded us to love our neighbors as ourselves with an active love. To live more fully into this calling, St. George’s has a tradition of regular Mission Days in which we go out as volunteers to serve our community.
Photo: Volunteer Team building ramps with Westminster Home Connection. December 2024
Ministry Spotlight
Room in the Inn
Volunteering at Church in the Yard presents inward reflection that is difficult, challenging, and especially revealing over time. Oftentimes the words spoken by Christ about homelessness, the needy, and the stranger or foreigner are uncomfortable to hear, but the call to action is clear and the command to love your neighbor, no matter who they are, is immutable. Taking the step into this action, to cross the chasm, takes courage to shed self and be at the service of others in a way that demonstrates vulnerability and openness without any guaranteed outcome. Church in the Yard requires a person to connect with others and let them know that they are seen, not only by God, but by their fellow brothers and sisters first and foremost.
-Eric Conte-Gordon
Follow the link below to learn more.
Become a Grant Partner
At St. George's, we designate funds each year for Christian programs in the greater Nashville area, particularly those with opportunities for our volunteers to build relationships through hands-on involvement.
Annual Funding | St. George’s Episcopal Church makes annual grants to nonprofit, tax-exempt organizations. Our application window for 2025 annual funding has closed but you may view application details here: PDF | Word
Social Enterprise Funding | St. George's Enterprise Ministry invests in new mission initiatives through funding and relationships for the purpose of blessing the Nashville community.